Customer Touchpoint Management

Finding the key(contact points) to success

How well do you know your Customer Touchpoints? Do you know how many Touchpoints customers have with your brand? Do you know which ones are particularly relevant for the customer and how they perform? This is where Customer Touchpoint Management comes in. Together we make the contact points of your brand transparent, create a 360-degree experience along the Customer Journey and build up an efficient control system for your Customer Touchpoints

Customer Touchpoint Assessment / Customer Touchpoint Mapping

Professional Customer Touchpoint Management targets the organization as a whole. Many Touchpoints and their management are not only a marketing task. It is a real challenge to maintain an overview of the multitude of contact points, to correctly assess their importance for customers and for the brand and to manage the Touchpoints holistically according to the objectives.

Eine Customer Touchpoint Map am Beispiel einer Airline

A Customer Touchpoint Map using an airline as an example.

With the help of our 360-degree assessment, you receive a comprehensive overview of all your Touchpoints with concrete details on responsibilities, performance and costs. This creates the basis for tapping potential. In addition, we show you which Touchpoints are effective and which are not. According to our Customer Experience study, 46 percent of budgets are spent on Customer Touchpoints that are irrelevant to customers. With our Customer Touchpoint Assessment this will not happen to you.

Our value proposition

Because of our pioneering role in Customer Experience Management, we know that 20 percent of contact points achieve 80 percent of the effect. We know the fastest way to identify these Key Customer Touchpoints and achieve more impact. We show you which Touchpoints are worth investing in and where savings potential lies idle.

Customers frequently ask us the following questions:

  • Which Touchpoints have an impact? Which do not? Why not?
  • Which Touchpoints are most relevant for our target groups?
  • Which Touchpoints should we focus our budgets on?
  • At which Touchpoints are there potential savings?
  • What are Touchpoints that we don’t have yet but absolutely need?

Customer Touchpoint Tracking

Successful Customer Touchpoint Management can only be controlled in the long term if the Customer Journey and the Customer Touchpoints behind it are also measured continuously. This is the only way to ensure continuous optimization over time. The motto is therefore: “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.”

Thus, the objective of Customer Journey and Customer Touchpoint Tracking is to regularly measure the success of KPIs at central contact points. There are numerous approaches to performance measurement that could not be more different. The selection of the appropriate measurement approach depends on the objective and the company’s circumstances.

Our value proposition

We know that it takes more than just a nice key figure to anchor tracking in your organisation in a sustainable way. Based on our numerous projects, we have therefore established seven basic rules that help to establish a systematic tracking in your company. With our Customer Experience Wheel we show you the way to a holistic measurement approach that combines the factors brand, competition, contact points and processes. In this way we ensure that you not only measure your Customer Touchpoint Management, but also control it.

The Customer Experience Wheel according to Esch and Kochann

Customers frequently ask us the following questions:

  • What is currently the best approach to measuring our Touchpoint activities?
  • Do we need a new measurement approach or is our old system sufficient?
  • Do the same laws apply to digital and real Touchpoints?
  • Do our KPIs really measure what they are supposed to?
  • How do we establish a measurement approach that will have a lasting impact on the organisation?


We increase the success of your brand. Contact us.