Has the brand strategy been consistently broken down into product, price and service? Is the USP of your products clear to customers? Is the packaging the identity of your brand? Does it convey the brand promise? Is the product portfolio structured in a simple and mentally convenient way for customers? Is the naming of the products clear and does it follow a comprehensible logic? Are your service promises clearly and perceptibly operationalised? Do your services pay into your brand account?
Products and services are the core of a brand’s performance. The brand promise is being fulfilled through products and services. This shapes the customers’ choice behaviour and has a direct impact on customer satisfaction and loyalty.
This makes it all the more important to get to the heart of the core performance and its concrete implementation in design and tangible service. Together with you, we operationalise the brand values into concrete product features and product benefits that customers should be able to experience and check for the degree of implementation. We examine the USPs of the products and their role in the product portfolio. We structure your product and service portfolio according to lead offers with special appeal for the brand. We analyse how comprehensible the product names and naming nomenclature are for customers. At first glance, the customer should recognise what different products in a product range stand for. The portfolio must be easy and effortless for customers to understand, it must not be too complex. From this we derive concrete optimisation potentials for the further development of products and services.
About 60 percent of the brand image is shaped by the product packaging or the product design. That’s why we analyse whether the packaging or design perceptibly communicates the brand’s value proposition, differentiates itself from the competition, has a high recognition effect and optimally plays the brand-specific elements. In collaboration with you, we develop a “speaking” packaging with a high recognition value.
We increase the success of your brand. Contact us.