Does your brand communication convey your brand’s values and positioning clearly and unambiguously? Are the brand values played out effectively at all communicative contact points? Are your communication measures effectively coordinated? Are you looking for a new communication / CD agency within the framework of a pitch? Can you still leverage potential to further optimise your brand communication? Is the ratio of long-term brand building and short-term push actions appropriate?
Perception is reality. Only what the customer perceives makes a contribution to the brand. However, 90 percent of all implementations at the customer do not achieve the desired effect. There is a gap in implementation. We help you to effectively implement the brand in the 4Ps.
In the course of implementing the strategy, the implementation gap must be overcome.
We accompany you on the way to effective brand communication and implementation of your brand in product, price and service and stand by your side every step of the way. From defining a clear communication strategy with smart objectives and selecting the right agency and pitch support, to the perceptible implementation of your values in brand communication, price, product and service and the (ongoing) optimisation of existing measures. Together we ensure the brand experience across all contact points of the customer journey and create a convincing brand presence that counts towards your brand account.
Effective brand communication
We support you in strategically aligning your brand communication and effectively implementing it across the various contact points. The goal is to create a convincing and integrated brand communication that pays off in the long term. For the communicative translation of the brand, we apply scientifically sound criteria and examine the following aspects, among others:
Which agency is right for us? How do we design effective pitches? What criteria do we use to select the right partner? We help you separate the wheat from the chaff and identify the best agency for you. Choosing the right agency from more than 10,000 communication agencies is not easy. Not all agencies are the same, the best entertainers at presentations are not necessarily the best at effectively implementing communications. We support you neutrally and independently in a systematic process in the search for a suitable advertising/CD/digital agency and replace gut feeling with a coherent catalogue of requirements and evaluation. We objectify the decisions, moderate the decision-making process in the pitch and accompany the agency through optimisation loops to the best possible result for you.
There is always room for improvement. How satisfied are you with your communication measures and your communication impact? We help you identify and leverage potential for making your communication more effective.
This will help you reach the heart and brain of your customers more effectively and make the best use of your existing communication tools and communication investments. Whether packaging, commercials, advertisements, websites, social media, events, sponsoring or the appearance at the point of sale – we optimise your communication on the basis of behavioural and neuroscientific findings. Not only for individual communication tools, but for all contact points on the customer journey. For a seamless customer experience and an easy customer journey. This is how we ensure impact and support the success of your brand.
Our foundation is Prof. Esch’s many years of experience and his achievements in communication research. We evaluate communication measures according to the latest behavioural and neuroscientific findings and develop well-founded potential for improvement. Together with our clients, we set standards for future, successful communication and thereby increase your performance in the market.
We increase the success of your brand. Contact us.